Choosing the Best Value in Wet Mops

To accomodate your specific cleaning needs, we offer a wide variety of yarns as well as new products to help users do their jobs more efficiently. Let the following information assist you in choosingwhich mops are right for your needs.

Certain yarns do a specific task better than other yarns. That's why there's such a variety of mops. To get mazimum efficiency and value from a wet mop, it's important to select the right yarn for the job.

A yarn's 'twist' is a result of how tightly the fiber strands are wound together. While a tightly twisted yarn might be stronger and last longer, its absorbency may be decreased. Like yarn play, the best value isn't determined by the yarn's twist, but by the type and quality of the yarn and the mop's construction. A mop with looped=end construction enables the yarn to have a loose twist while eliminating fraying.

Yarn ply indicates the number of strands twisted together to make a single yarn strand. More plies give added strength, though higher ply numbers do not necessarily mean higher quality yarn. More strands may add durability but they alsodecrease absorbency. It's much better and more cost effective to choose a hiher quality yarn than a high ply, low quality yarn.

Cotton Good absorption & retention. Low initial cost. Limited shrinkage Requires break-in. Lints and dries slowly. Promotes mildew and deterioration. General use. Picking up liquids. Scrubbing.
Rayon Quick absorption & release. Dries fast. Mildew resistant. Cleaner yarn, Lints less. Shrinks when laundered. Less liquid retention. Applying liquids (finishes, disinfectants)
Synthetic Long staple fiber for superior tensile strength. No lint. Higher cost. Poor absorption. Clean rooms. Rough surfaces.
Blends Ideal balance for price, performance and durability. Synthetic fibers add durability and color. May shrink (unless pre-shrunk). Professionals who require better and longer lasting mops.