1. Click on the LOGIN TO SHOP button from the top of the page. If yo udo not have a login click on NEED A LOGIN and complete the Request A Login form.

  2. On the next page, enter your credentials and click on the  button.
  3. The following page if you are requested to select a BILLTO and SHIPTO, select the address for both the Billtothen the Shipto before clicking on Continue.

  4. The next page presented is the MY DASHBOARD page where you can start placing your order, or manage your account.
    Tip: You can also go to the dashboard by clicking on MY DASHBOARD from the Menubar
    Tip: To change your password, go to MY DASHBOARD, then ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT and finally click on ACCOUNT SETTINGS.


If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to connect with us via chat or email by clicking on the red button on the lower right of the page. If a customer service person is available the button will read as CHAT otherwise it defaults to EMAIL:

You can also email us at customerservice@kelsan.biz, call us at 1 (800) 467-7111 or get in touch with your designated Sales Representative.  We hope you enjoy our new site and the new features that we have to offer.