Maxim Water Based Dust Mop Treatment - Qt., 12/cs

MXM19200012 MFG #: 192000-12
  • Description
  • Resources

This product provides excellent results when used on dust mops, rags, and other articles to help pick up and hold dust instead of spreading it around. This product is non-staining and will not leave an oily residue on surfaces when directions are followed.

Features: Improves Dust Mop Efficiency, Reduces Airborne Dust, Makes Dust Mops Easy to Maintain

Applications: For cleaning and dusting: > Floors and fixtures > Furniture > Non-waterborne finishes



Fragrance .......................... Sassafras

pH Range............................ 9.5 - 10.0

Dilution............... RTU or 64 oz. / gal.

Density ....................................... 8.75